Child & Sexual Abuse Compensation

Professional Child & Sexual Abuse Compensation Lawyers Working Across Newcastle, Central Coast, and Hunter Region

Burke Mead Lawyers are experienced Child & Sexual Abuse Compensation Lawyers who can help you submit your claim and navigate the process with compassion and commitment. As experts in personal injury law and compensation, we support our clients with a range of legal services and professional advice.

Child and sexual abuse has a devastating impact on victim-survivors and the people who love and support them. According to a 2021 report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, approximately 2.2 million Australians aged 18 years and over have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, including childhood sexual abuse and/or sexual assault since the age of 15. If you or someone in your care has been a victim of abuse, our team can assist them with understanding their rights and what is required to make a sexual abuse claim.

The claims process regarding abuse can be difficult and confronting, which is why it is important to work with legal representation experienced in supporting clients throughout this process. While there is no amount of money that can ease the pain abuse causes, sexually abused victims deserve financial support and access to the care they need.

Our services are delivered by a dedicated team of experienced compensation lawyers, who understand how to navigate the bureaucratic processes and red tape. We are here to listen to our clients, act on their behalf as needed, and guide them and their loved ones throughout this confronting process to receive the compensation abuse survivors deserve.

If you believe you may be entitled to claim compensation due to sexual abuse, seek legal advice as soon as possible – contact Burke Mead Lawyers to book a private and confidential consultation. 

The Benefits of Working with a Child & Sexual Abuse Compensation Lawyer

Seeking legal representation in an abuse law matter is highly recommended when taking legal action and engaging the compensation process. The compensation process can be long and complex, as well as confronting for the abuse survivor.

As personal injury law specialists and experienced compensation lawyers, we work with you to manage the compensation claims and dispute process from beginning to end. We take a collaborative approach to understanding your immediate and ongoing needs, and our objective is focused on securing the best possible compensation outcome for you and your future.

Our professional legal team specialises in resolving compensation claims through mediation and negotiation. Burke Mead Lawyers are one of the leading personal injury law firms operating in Newcastle, the Central Coast, and the Hunter Region. Contact Burke Mead Lawyers today for more information or to book a consultation.


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Child & Sexual Abuse Compensation Lawyer FAQs

The role of a compensation lawyer is to work with individuals who have suffered abuse and use their knowledge of abuse law and compensation law to assist them in submitting a compensation claim. By working with a legal professional, you will have access to their extensive legal expertise and sound legal advice when making your claim.

Sexual abuse is different from sexual assault, and the definitions can vary, however, according to the Personal Safety Survey (PSS) – a survey that collects national data on this subject, among other personal safety related subjects – and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), sexual abuse is defined as “any act by an adult involving a child (under the age of 15 years) in sexual activity beyond their understanding, or contrary to currently accepted community standards. It excludes emotional abuse and incidents of sexual abuse perpetrated by someone under the age of 18.”

Sexual assault is different in that is does not involve a child victim. According to the ABS Recorded Crime – Victims collection, “sexual assault is defined as physical contact, or intent of contact, of a sexual nature directed toward another person where that person does not give consent, gives consent as a result of intimidation or deception, or consent is proscribed (i.e. the person is legally deemed incapable of giving consent because of youth, temporary/permanent (mental) incapacity or there is a familial relationship).”

In regards to sexual abuse claims, there is no statute of limitations, which is a set time limit to bring forward a claim and start legal proceedings. If you or a loved one experienced or are experiencing child sexual abuse, there is no time limit and many people successfully win cases decades after the incident has occurred. However, if you or a loved one have experienced sexual assault or other forms of abuse as an adult, the statute of limitations is 3 years.

Many people assume that victims of child abuse, sexual assault or other forms of abuse are not entitled to compensation because the abuse happened a long time ago. However, the courts are now more understanding regarding the reasons why reporting an incident was delayed.

The National Redress Scheme is specific to institutional child sexual abuse. It was set up to allow those who experienced institutional abuse, in relation to an institution that no longer exists, to access redress in certain circumstances. For example, according to the National Redress Scheme you can apply if:

  • you experienced sexual abuse when you were a child (under 18 years of age), and
    • the abuse happened before 1 July 2018, and
    • an institution was responsible for bringing you into contact with the person who abused you, and
  • you were born before 30 June 2010, and
  • you are an Australian citizen or a permanent resident at the time of application

Each case is unique and can be complex depending on the circumstances, so it does take time to resolve. From submitting your application to finalising your claim, a compensation claim can take up to 2 years. This is quite a long time, but most of this will be managed and attended to  by your legal representation – you will not be required to go to Court and most of the process will be handled by your compensation lawyer.

For a successful sexual abuse claim, who pays for the legal costs and any other costs involved, including the agreed compensation, will depend on what schemes you’re eligible to claim under and other factors. Your compensation lawyers can explain how the financial aspects of pursuing compensation will work and what you can expect, based on your unique circumstances.

If you believe you’re eligible to make a sexual abuse claim, seek professional legal advice from Burke Mead Lawyers and their experienced compensation team – book a consultation today.

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Personal injury laws differ from state to state, if you are not in NSW, please contact your relevant state Law society for further assistance.